Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Strange Random

Hey-ho Lil' Guys,

So this weekend was a mish-mash of loveliness. Friday night Noey Jones, Rob Lowe (not the real Rob Lowe, but my friend Rob, who is probably better than the real Rob Lowe. However, if the real Rob Lowe wanted to hang, I wouldn't be opposed) and I checked out the King Tuff show at the Echo. While this dude's interstitial words were nothing special (the third time he said "This one's dedicated to the mother-fuckers," I wanted to strange him), I have to admit he is just an INCREDIBLE musician and his songs are retro-garage rock at its best. He didn't play my favorite jam, "Swamp of Love," because it's more ballad-y, he brought the house down with his other hits and I found him surprisingly attractive with his long, scraggly hair, Philly's cap, and sheer mesh jersey top (Noelia asked how much I had had to drink at that point but WHATEVER I have weird taste).  Here he is:

Yeah, I was having camera issues. Anyway, Saturday Anna and I met some buds at the cemetery screening of The Big Lebowski. I can't really show you any pictures I took, because they are all unflattering shots of my friends sleeping during the movie (not that they don't love it; the cemetery is just such a good place to nap!...forever). Oh, Jay did have this incredible idea to buy pool rafts and use them as beds on the lawn. He had way too much fun blowing them up...

It's the little things, Strangers. Also the guy that Lebowski was based on, Jeff Dowd showed up and was fun at first and then kind of went on a weird tangent but hey, that's the Dude, so whatever, bless him.  Sunday after my res walk I bought this, simply because, well:

Ew! What does that taste like?! It will potentially live in my fridge forever but maybe it will acquire some value? I dunno. Finally, Noey turned me onto this song, "Coming Down" by the Dum Dum Girls and I love it and want you to as well:



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