Monday, July 9, 2012

Strange Deco / Strange Dating

So Lil' Strangers, occasionally I will dabble in Internet dating. Sometimes I just feel lonely, sometimes I feel like all the dudes I know are FREAKS so I need to seek out someone freakier to calm me down (sounds illogical but actually makes sense), sometimes I do it because I'm dating someone and don't want to throw all of my eggs into one man-basket, and sometimes I do it just to change things up. On Saturday, I dabbled.

It's actually end up knowing way more about a person before the first date when you meet them on the interwebs than when you fall down on each other's private parts at a bar, BUT what you can't know about beforehand is that kind of indescribable chemistry you just randomly feel for certain humans out there. Like, I super-dig all sorts of weird looking gentlemen (see below posts regarding Nick Offerman and Louis C.K., both dream men of mine), but sometimes there's something EXTRA there and sometimes there just isn't. I guess the trick is volume...go on a lot of dates with a lot of different men until you meet one where you think OH, HELLO butterflies! That said, I've been on maybe 3 Internet dates EVER so...I gotta work on that. My date Saturday was very sweet and had beautiful eyes and there is nothing at all wrong with him besides his cargo shorts, which are easily dealt with. But we did NOT have a sexy spark between us. Just didn't feel the flutter. No matter, he planned a really cool date.

The LA Conservancy does these very cool walking tours downtown ( and we decided to do the one focused on Art Deco architecture and design. The tours start kind of early (10AM on a Saturday is EARLY for me) and are about 3 hours long, but they're really interesting, the guides are knowledgeable, and you get a decent walk in. We saw cool buildings like this:

Green! I wasn't reallllyyyy paying attention to the historical information, but I was definitely appreciating what I was looking at. Check out this hallway of dreams in the old Edison building:

I could've stayed there all day; it was like Oz. The lighting was just so groovy! But we had to move on to the Oviatt penthouse, which ended up being awesome, so it's fine. It belonged to this dude Oviatt (duh) who had one the fanciest men's clothing stores back in the heyday of old Hollywood. Even the ceiling outside is cool:

Neato, right?! Then, upstairs, there was this sensual raised bed that I will someday own:

It will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine. Anyway, good tour, bad date, let's call it a wash? Have a good week, buddies.

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