Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Watch the Dragon!

Okay I said I was gone, but I am not yet. So whatever, just read this.

Last night, I went with Brett to see The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Maybe I am sick, but I dug it so hard. Admittedly, I have never read any of the books or seen the Swedish movies, so I NEEDED that hour of back story and expository info and was, for the lack of a better expression, falling off the edge of my seat. Brett, having seen the Swedish version, warned me I would be "sticking my fingers way up into my ear holes." This is not gross of Brett; I used to live with him and he knows I love to watch horror films, but when things turn scary, I cover my EARS instead of my eyes. Brett HATES this and will actually pull my hands out of my ears if he sees me doing it. Anyway, I scoffed when he told me I'd do it during Tattoo, but, I mean, some scenes were REALLY DIFFICULT to watch. And yet I was riveted.

First of all, David Fincher is so special. I am ignoring that Benjamin Button ever happened and just going to go ahead and call him a genius. The guy directed Madonna's "Express Yourself," for Christ's sake. Not to mention the GROSSLY underrated Zodiac. He has such a specific look and mood he creates, that he's fine tuned over the years to a point where you know you're watchnig a Fincher movie from the first shot. These movies are by no means perfect (super-long, a little too-polished, and you can tell he is sometimes tempted to lean towards the CHEESE), but that's what makes them HIS. Fincher is an auteur of the highest order. This movie is VERY Fincher. He went FULL FINCHER. Okay I will stop.

Second, CREDITS. The credits are so fucking cool! They didn't ASTONISH me, like the first time I saw the credits for Seven, but they completely set the mood for the entire film (violent, loud, dark, sexy), they were big and franchise-y (like a twisted opening to a James Bond film), and Trent Reznor and Karen O doing "Immigrant Song" is just HEAVEN to me. In general, the music was incredible. The score sounded like the cold: all steely and howling. I was hooked right away.

Third (thirdLY? Whatever), the acting is just damn good. I liked Rooney Mara as Lisbeth; she looks like a fantastic creature thas is sort of this scary/blank canvas that the viewer can project all of their emotions onto while at the same time thinking "damn, I am NOTHING like this chick." Some critics want to hand her the whole movie, saying everything rests on the hunch of Lisbeth's bony shoulders. I disagree. I think this is Daniel Craig's movie just as much as Mara's and actually, the scenes that the two share are electric (a little bit because they are having sex in some of them and it's the only consensual sex in the movie). Granted, ever since I saw this terrible movie (that I liked) Dreamhouse starring Craig, I have not been able to stop thinking about him and his ice blue eyes and about what he looks like with his top off. But he is also a lovely, measured actor and he is fascinating to watch. Stellan Skarsgard is always good and creepy and Swedish and the rapey, disgusting social worker is actually given some humanity by...that guy that plays him. And any movie with Princess Buttercup in it is always solid, in my opinion.

Fourth and everything else-ly, the movie just really captures a mood and a theme and an icy heart of a place far away. I don't know that this is the BEST movie I saw all year (in fact, I know it's not), but it was CERTAINLY one of the most watchable, beautiful, and well-crafted. That I was bummed when it ended and wanted the next two movies to happen immediately following says a lot to me. Anyway go see it. Also, Lisbeth Salander is a hipster ok BYE.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Silver Bells!

This post title has nothing to do with this post. But guys, this might be the last time I blog at you before the New Year as I am traveling back to my homeland of New York City. I know, you are sad.

ANYWAY, I've been listening to the new Black Keys album El Camino a lot, and I've decided I really like it. I do miss their rougher, more bluesy roots (and think it's really dumb and WEIRD that Dan Auerbach said that Patrick Carney "doesn't even like blues music" in that NY Times article), like in "The Lengths," "10AM Automatic," and "Psychotic Girl." However, I am super-digging some of the new stuff, especially the second half of "Little Black Submarines," "Gold on the Ceiling," and the B-side of the "Lonely Boy" single, "Run Right Back." Listening to the Keys so much is bringing me back to the days when I was obsessed with Southern rock and yes, Kings of Leon. I remember being a young girl of 23, watching them play at Coachella for the first time as the sun went down. Sigh. Anyway, that's the kind of music I am listening to today:

1) "True Love Way" by Kings of Leon ( I wish so fucking hard this band still sounded this way. I remember the first time I heard this song, I think I was in the car of this dude I had a painful secret crush on and he played it and I just immediately thought "Oh cool, I love you." It was so rough and 70's and rocking, but still so romantic and yearn-y and builds to just this big, classic, great love song. Ahh, it is still so good!

2) "Fires" by Band of Skulls ( This is another band that blew me away at Coachella years ago. Guys, this album is so SO good. Have they made a new album yet? I don't know, but this song is kitschy and sexy and fantastic.

3) "This Heart's on Fire," by Wolf Parade ( Okay, so I am feeling lovey-dovey today. And being into fire.Weirdly, this was the first song I discovered by Wolf Parade. I just adore that little riff in the background and you KNOW how I feel about this man's voice...erotic. Anytime anyone starts out singing normally and then gets really upset and is yelling and can't control their voice anymore, I get excited. Like in The Wedding Singer. You KNOW what I am talking about.

PS Bye miss you!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Holiday Weener

So I went to this potluck holiday dinner last night. Don't worry, I brought pita chips and cilantro dip from Bristol Farms and Emily brought a VONS ice-cream cake and everyone else cooked gourmet things. Anyway, for those seven of you who read this blog regularly, you'll note that Lindsey Weening is not only one of my favorite humans, but she is one of my favorite humans to eat food with (see that Two Boots post). It's mostly funny because she is TINY, but can chow down with the best of them, but also funny because of her facial expressions. Behold:

Linds is just getting started here. Note how she closes her eyes as the food orgasm washes over her.

Uhoh. Did she eat something sour? Is she just making the "prune" face for the camera? No one knows.

BLISS! And possible vomit! Happy Holidays to all.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Tired Friday

Guys, I am EXHAUSTED from yet another awesome holiday party at Kat Scardino's (fake name!) house in Echo Park. But I still need music to get through the day! Don't we all?

1) "Lovesick Teenagers" by Bear in Heaven ( I love this scary album cover and the heavy synth this indie Brooklyn band employs. I don't know what the words to this song are, but I feel a dark yearning, so I think I am getting the point.

2) "Stay Useless" by Cloud Nothings ( I am pretty much obsessed with this dude/band right now. This whole album is cool and reminds me of really good early 90's grunge music. This song is especially pleasing to my ears.

3) "Desire Lines" by Deerhunter ( I love this band more and more as time goes on. Their songs are very varied and usually pretty long, which makes for a cool, layered experience. I could seriously listen to this song all day. Yup, I think I will.

PS I am not gonna post any holiday music. I sort of hate holiday music. I makes me depressed. Like, you know that scene in While You Were Sleeping where Sandra Bullock is sad and alone and buys herself the Christmas tree and then like, has trouble lugging it up the stairs in her tiny walk-up and then puts a single ornament on it and stares out the frosty window and thinks about her dead dad and how she is in love with this dude she doesn't know who comes the the train stop where she works every morning? No? Well that's how holiday music makes me feel. Except "All I Want For Christmas" by Ms. Mariah Carey. That song is the jamsauce.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Guys, I posted the video for Robyn's "Call Your Girlfriend" a couple of months ago, because it was awesome. Here it is again for those of you who live under rocks:

Oh, Robyn. Okay so last weekend, Robyn was the musical guest on SNL, and THE FOLLOWING happened in the writers' room:

DREAM. MAN. Too bad Cobie Smulders from How I Met Your Mother got to him first, because she and I are TWINS and I totally could've had this dude. Also, Emily sent this to me. She knows me so well!

Hi, It's Tuesday.

Can it be the weekend again? No? Okay fine, let's listen to music together while we sit at desks. Let's whistle while we work. Except I can only whistle by sucking in breath. Also, I cannot snap. So, that's some information about me.

1) "Another Girl Another Planet" by the Only Ones ( I first heard this song play in the background during this movie Me Without You, which just like completely destroys me every time I watch it (which is a lot, because I illegally burned a DVD of it that I keep IN my DVD player at all times). If you are a guy, not to be sexist, but I don't think you will get this movie at all. It's about girl-besties and how that kind of relationship can be painful/competitive/fucked up. Anyway, the movie takes place in the 70's and 80's and I heard this song and "Whole Wide World" by Wreckless Eric and was like, YES. Yes to both.

2) "Believer" by John Maus ( So not to brag about how cool I am, but on Saturday night after seeing the Cave Singers at the Troubadour with Linds (they were REAL good and the singer-dude can DANCE) and AFTER rolling to my friends Jack and Julia's holiday party at their precious bungalow in Venice with Anna (we danced and screamed along to hits such as Oasis's classic "Don't Look Back in Anger"), I went to this super-secret, late-night danceparty in deepest, darkest Los Angeles and was introduced to this song. I mean, the DJ also played some amazing Motown and Harry Nilsson, but I'd never heard "Believer" before. After listening to some of Maus's other shiz, I'd say he's not REALLY my guy (Noey calls him "kind of like Ariel Pink's weird cousin." Agree), but this song is really beautiful and good for almost-dawn, trance-y dancing.

3) "Manners" by Icona Pop ( Emily sent me Hairpin's "best tracks of the year" list and this was one of them. I like any video with neon colors in it and any song that fantasizes taking the piss out of some idiot guy who dumps you, because in real life, I am maybe the most passive aggressive human wandering the streets of Silverlake.

PS SONG: "Good Feeling" by Flo Rida ( WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME I CAN'T STOP LISTENING TO THIS!!!????!!!! Seriously, I have choreographed a dance you can do to this jam while sitting in your cubicle at work. Mr. Rida has a strange power over me where when I hear one of his songs, I can't control my body and HAVE to dance. It's like The Red Shoes, you guys, I am telling you. It happened with "Right Round," then with "Club Can't Handle Me," and now there's this song. It's a sickness, you guys, I am SICK. Okay, I'm sorry, goodbye.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Sometimes I really hate pretending to be a cool DIY hipster. What beardy handyman can I get to come over here and turn this shit on, make me a stew, possibly make me candles from scratch and light them, and then cuddle me in his bear-arms?! If you know anyone text me, thanks.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday ONE

I just have one rockin' jam for you guys today. It's "Cradle of Love" by Billy Idol ( I remember watching this video when I was little (directed by David Fincher you guys, DAVID FINCHER) and thinking it was SO NAUGHTY while simultaneously promising myself I would grow up to become this woman. Emily says this video made her realize she had a thing for Jewish men with glasses and interesting noses. SORRY EM, IT WAS TOO GOOD NOT TO TELL EVERYONE. I am only now realizing what a giant Billy-fan I am. I don't know what that means but if loving him is wrong, I don't want to be right.

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


...I'm sorry about this post title. It's meant to be like "fa-la-la, Tuesday," but winds up looking like "Fellate Tuesday," and I am not telling you to blow this day (when in actuality, this day BLOWS), but simply offering up some good jams to make it a little bit brighter. What a gross, run-on sentence that was, right? ANYWAY, here:

1) "Swim Club" by The Cave Singers( I am seeing this band Saturday at the Troub! I haven't been to the Troubadour in so long and honestly, it's my favorite venue. This band plays the kind of comfort music I always come back to: a little folksy, a little country, and a lot of flannel. This song is kind of like The Head and the Heart had a baby with The Avett Brothers. I would really love to go to that fake-family's barbecue.

2) "Starstruck" by Santogold ( My iTunes actually suggested this song to me after I went on a chill-wave downloading spree. I really dug "Les Artistes" when the album came out, and this song is basically a darker version of that jam, so I am into it.

3) "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables ( Okay, confession: I love the shit out of this musical. Like, seen-it-on-stage-5-times, have multiple cast recordings, can sing the whole thing from memory-type of love. It's just SO good with JUST the right amount of cheese (just the right amount = a LOT). When I was little and thought I had the ability to sing, I made my father (Dad, I am sorry) film me in a velvet dress and BERET singing "Castle on a Cloud" and all you can hear is the tape playing the recording of the song and Dad whispering "LOUDER!" from behind the camera. Like, I thought the voice on the recording WAS my voice. I was a dumb kid. Anyway, this particular song I sang in choir, before I grew into my adult voice, which sounds like that of a raspy 12-year-old boy. Oh, they're making a movie of this, so I have it on the brain and am not completely random.

4) "Wuthering Heights" by Kate Bush ( Les Mis reminded me of this one. I mean this song is SO spectacularly weird. Kate Bush is so weird. I love her. Oh, this video is real fun to watch too.

Monday, December 5, 2011

New Found-Art!

I was just walkin' with Emily around the reservoir Saturday, doing our usual stroll, when we stumbled upon this:

Emily thinks Banksy did it. Did you do this, Banksy? Let me know, thanks. For those of you who can't read tiny Blackberry words, it says "Smile at this experience," which is funny, because the picture is of a grimacing, old ghostfaced man. Anyway, Emily and I smiled, so it worked.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday Lana!

I want to hate this lady, mostly because she's real pretty and I wish birds didn't die every time I try to sing, but I don't hate her. In fact, I was obsessed with her last single "Video Games," and now I am all about the new jam "Born to Die." The video is still in the works, but here's a fun image of Lana and a tatted gentleman to watch as you listen:

Super into the Massive Attack-meets-Portishead, early 90's vibe of this song (honestly, it's comparable to Madonna's "Rain" in a great way). Hope you enjoy and have a smashing weekend!

A Not-So Dangerous Movie...

So over Thanksgiving break, I saw David Cronenberg's new film A Dangerous Method. With my mom. Obviously. The film is basically about a crazy lady (Keira Knightley, all JAW) who goes to get treated by Carl Jung and ends up having an affair with him, much to the chagrin of Jung's mentor, Sigmund Freud, who later becomes krazy-Keira's doctor. One would think that a movie about a woman with a sexually-based psychosis who has an affair with a shrink that is himself obsessed with the subject of sex would get pretty kinky and wild. Not so. This is NOT the feel-erotic holiday movie I was looking for (Mom agreed with me).

Now, I ADORE Cronenberg. Dead Ringers is a masterpiece, Videodrome blew my mind, eXistenZ is a wonderful, wonderful film, I'm obsessed with Eastern Promises, and I even dig that freaky weirdo Crash. I could obnoxiously ramble on about ALL of Cronenberg's films. And there were some very good things about A Dangerous Method. Viggo Mortensen is quietly hilarious as Freud and Fassbender brings his typical intensity to Jung and the scenes between the two actors are actually really provocative and interesting (although the film doesn't explain what Jung's beliefs are at ALL, and as someone with very little knowledge of Jung's work, I was a tiny bit confused). The movie also looked beautiful, and the score was excellent. So there's that. I think I wouldn't have been SO disappointed if I had understood SOME of Jung's motivations and thought processes.

It's not a ROMANTIC movie, and although some people find Keira Knightley to be fetching (but I cannot get over her jaw), you don't understand why Fassbender initially gives in to having an affair with Keira and then later, what makes him desperate for her not to leave him. All of the theories and ideas expressed in the film were interesting, but it's as if the conversations the characters had were completely detached from what was actually happening to them. I, as a viewer, didn't get what I was supposed to glean from what Jung was doing and as a result, all the groovy things he said about the mind felt kind of empty.

If I am being totally honest though, the lack of sexytimes is what disappointed me most of all. I mean COME ON. Did you not see A History Of Violence? Is Fassbender (fully dressed in a suit, I must note) whipping Knightley's butt supposed to be shocking? Or hot? Because it's not. Whatever, I am seeing Shame tomorrow. Putting my money on that one.

Also, Don Hertzfeldt!

When I wasn't getting beaten by the wind last night, I was at the Silent Movie Theater ( watching three short films by Don Hertzfeldt. Okay, so like, EVERYONE I know knows who this filmmaker is, but I did not. He is BRILLIANT. He also gave a Q&A afterwards and was surprisingly NOT old and potentially handsome if he looked into this thing called a shower. Anyway, he is kind of a mixed media artist/director/cartoonist and you just HAVE to watch his stuff to understand how fantastic he is. His work is simultaneously hilarious and heartbreaking...especially these three "Bill" films I saw last night. Most people are familiar with his film Rejected, but if you're a Philistine like me, here it is:

This one is much more on the hilarious side of things, but you see what I mean. Please, please watch this if you haven't seen it before. Thanks!

I Live In The Windy City...

Dude, these Santa Ana winds are WILD. Like, I walked to my car yesterday morning and there was a damn DOOR lying in the road beside it. A DOOR. Like, thank God the door didn't hit my car. Also, I am admittedly NOT strong, but I could not move the door out of the street myself. That's some POWERFUL breeze, man. Also, where did that door come from? I feel bad for the house. I should've taken a picture. Sigh. Anyway, I thought these winds only happened in The Holiday (please don't even bother renting this film. I LOVE Nancy Meyers and I LOVE me a trashy rom-com, but there's no "rom" OR "com" in this mess), but not so. They are REAL and scary and power was out all over Silverlake last night as I drove home from Good Luck Bar (we've discussed already... and blew one of my curtains down in the middle of the night.