Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sick in Silver Lake

Okay, so technically I live in Echo Park now, TECHNICALLY. I am literally a mile down Sunset from where I used to live, so it's basically the same neighborhood. Also, I was driving by my old place the other day and totally saw Garrett Hedlund having a smoke outside, which is an ugly habit, but what the Hell? Could you please have hung out there when I lived there, Mr. Hedlund? GEEZ!

Anyway, I have the plague. The GC is away on a job and so precious Yankee the dog is my only company as I lay on the couch watching TV, filled with snot. Gross but true. Yesterday I was too sick to work and too sick to even get out of bed, everything on TV was bad or required too much thinking (I refused to let myself watch the Kardashians) so I did the only thing a girl with that much time on her hands could:

I watched Felicity all day and pretty much all night. And yes, I've seen the entire series before. And yes, in my older age I've realized what a naive freako stalker Felicity was. And you know what?

I forgive her. Y'all, this show is worth a re-watch. Okay, back into my hole for now.

Monday, February 11, 2013

2 New Jams From 2 Old Buddies

Guys, I haven't looked at Pitchfork in a while. Mostly because I've just been busy, but a little bit because the site went through a phase where they ONLY posted about ambient electronica and it bored me to tears. But today, Pitchfork really satisfied me, by offering two tracks by two of my favorite artists in the last two years (it should be Tuesday!...get it? no?): Kurt Vile and Youth Lagoon:

Both "Wakin on a Pretty Day," by Vile and Youth Lagoon's "Mute" are long, dreamy (ambient but not vacantly electronic!) melodies.  Trevor Powers' Youth Lagoon employs more synth than Vile does with his 70's rock-swagger, but both guys pack amazing emotional heft into seemingly light tunes, which I love.

If neither of these songs put you in a MOOD today, well then maybe we should no longer interact. Okay, I am kidding. I desperately need all 25 of you.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Love Letter From Hungary

Yes, yes, I know, I haven't written in forever. I've been trying to freelance write, I moved in with my gentleman caller, I've been trying to befriend a dog, etc.

Anyway, I've been so busy that I've neglected my music searching. Luckily, my GC is on the ball and turned me onto the Summer Schatzies, a Hungarian surf-rock band. Yeah, you read that right. A change from Hungary's typical dark, brooding jams, the Schatzies provide just the sort of kicky yet gritty 60's-style pop to keep you warm on a winter's day. Check out the bit that NPR did on them (where GC discovered them):

"Spooks of Love" is real sexy song. Just sayin'