Friday, December 2, 2011

I Live In The Windy City...

Dude, these Santa Ana winds are WILD. Like, I walked to my car yesterday morning and there was a damn DOOR lying in the road beside it. A DOOR. Like, thank God the door didn't hit my car. Also, I am admittedly NOT strong, but I could not move the door out of the street myself. That's some POWERFUL breeze, man. Also, where did that door come from? I feel bad for the house. I should've taken a picture. Sigh. Anyway, I thought these winds only happened in The Holiday (please don't even bother renting this film. I LOVE Nancy Meyers and I LOVE me a trashy rom-com, but there's no "rom" OR "com" in this mess), but not so. They are REAL and scary and power was out all over Silverlake last night as I drove home from Good Luck Bar (we've discussed already... and blew one of my curtains down in the middle of the night.

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