Friday, January 20, 2012

It's My Birthday And I'll Scat If I Want To...

Yeah, I'm old. To fight depression on this scary day and to avoid going to the kitchen at work and eating like, 7 doughnuts, I am going to jam out to these songs all day. Don't judge me, just dance with me:

1) "Scatman (Ski-Ba-Bop-Ba-Dop-Bop)" by Scatman John ( Just be honest with your life and enjoy this song. It is SO FUN.

2) "Tonight I'm Fucking You" by Enrique Iglesias ( So this song is very honest and direct. I really appreciate how CLEAR Enrique's lyrics are. Okay, so this song is a little scary, but it's fun to dance to! I just want to dance! Just let me dance!

3) "International Love" by Pitbull (featuring that DICK Chris Brown) ( So I won't support Chris Brown anymore and buy this song, but I do love Pitbull and this is a jam. Like, it has a good message, you know? If I had one birthday wish, it would be for international love. Okay, it would be for a boyfriend, but that's the same, right?

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