Monday, June 18, 2012

Strange Stomach

So I was pretty sick this weekend, Lil' Strangers. I won't go into it, because it is freaking gross, but I had a stomach bug. However, there was no way I was going to miss the Japandroids concert at the Echoplex. I am so glad Noelia Estrada subtly convinced me to go, because this band is AWESOME.

Mmmhmm, yeah, that is them. So Noey got right into the mosh-pit and typically, I'd do the same (but still be more scared than her because I have a very low pain threshold AKA I am a wimp), but my stomach kept me sticking to the outskirts of the very center crowd. Which was fine by me. The only reason I wanted to be closer to the stage was because the lead singer Brian King is one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen in real life. He is tall with tan skin and ice-blue eyes and curly-swirly hair (I CAN'T with the curly-swirly haired men) and real tight pants but more than any of this he just rocks so hard, throwing his entire body into every song, getting up on the amps in his sexy, tights bands and just THRASHING.

That's pretty much as close as I could get and by me I mean Noey because every time I tried to take a photo, some mosher would come along and whack the iPhone right out of my hand (it still works - plug!). Also, this is the pit I was contending with:

Luckily, my friend Anne was there with her male friends who I sort of hid behind so if they got pushed, I received a gentler blow. Anyway the band was so fantastic. Emo punk you listened to when you were in high school combined with Bruce Springsteen Americana (okay, they are Canadian) to create something new and nostalgic all at once. I also have to give a huge shout out to the drummer David Prowse who said NOTHING the entire show but just bashed away at those drums with such a sharp ferocity that he damn-well made himself heard. SUCH. A. GOOD. SHOW. Then I had to go home and be sick some more.

Saturday I went to my friend Julie's birthday with Anna, Jacqueline and Lindsey. The party was at Shore Bar in deep PCH Santa Monica. Let's just say for a sober person it was...INTENSE. The space is very adorable but SMALL and they're full to capacity by 10:30. The DJ plays AWESOME music (old Aaliyah (RIP) and Carly Rae Jepson), but I literally could not move, so I spent most of my time hiding in the back smoking room drinking ginger ale with some of my friends. That room is a little scary because it sort of a dark shed full of mirrors. Linds and Jac obviously brightened things up with their beauty but STILL:

Then I needed to return to the homeland. Oh, I also saw Your Sister's Sister with my pal Ali Saturday, and let me tell you, this movie was WONDERFUL. What a DELIGHT. Mark Duplass is my dream man both physically and talent-wise, Emily Blunt is radiant and funny, and Rosemarie Dewitt just kind of subtly walks into the movie and steals the whole show. Writer/director Lynn Shelton is kind of my idol. Anyway, if it's playing by you, GO SEE IT IT IS WORTH YOUR MONIES.

PS I finally tried Naturewell Juice (! So this place is on Sunset, like a six-minute walk from my apartment, but I never go because, well, it is JUICE, and I am intimidated by all the cool, tatted vegans sitting outside. I honestly had no idea what I'd order when I got there. So I went with Anne, my cool, tatted, vegan friend and asked for something that would soothe my furious belly. They gave me some ginger/greens thing and added some apple and it was GOOD. Anne got a "face-melter" shot, which is like cayenne pepper, ginger, and oil of oregano and looked like a tumbler full of peppery bile. It also looked like Anne almost died drinking it, but immediately following, her sore throat faded and roses returned to her cheeks so I guess it worked. She also got an anti-virus juice that was red and yummy looking. AND AND AND Sally Draper from Mad Men (cute little skirt, ribbon in her hair, adorable) came in with friends AS DID RYAN GOSLING and Eva Mendes (she was curvy and pretty, he stayed in the car AND THERE ARE NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE HIM). So I guess I am going back there. Soon.

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