Monday, March 19, 2012

The Circus is STRANGE!

So Lil Strangers, Friday night Kyle, Anna, our visiting NY-friend Lily and I went to Cirque du Soleil at the Santa Monica Pier ( It was a misty, wet night and I was really excited as we approached the tents because everything was glow-y and magical:

RIGHT?! So the show was called Ovo, which is funny because that is such a weird...vaginal name and the whole show is basically about a giant insect egg, but it's a Cirque that's geared towards tourists and kids because it's right on the pier. Interesting.

ANYWAY, I just forgot how bizarre the circus was, especially Cirque du Soleil with its weird, French-Canadian WHAT-HAVE-YOU. Like, there is a creepy live band singing watery 70's French pop (sounds cooler than it is), clowns sexually harassing audience members (NOT KIDS, DON'T WORRY), and contortionists sliding all over the stage. I really dug these girls who spun drums and each other with their FEET (fancy footwork) and at one point the entire stage becomes a trampoline and everyone does different awesome flippity-doo moves, but mostly I was just confused. I obviously should've taken drugs beforehand, but only had a $14 glass of champagne to tide me over. I loved being with my homies and I am sort of glad I had the EXPERIENCE, but the circus is an odd, odd beast. Also, Kyle had a Groupon, so it was fine.

Needless to say, we decided to drink heavily afterwards. It was all West side, so I won't get into where we went, but Irish Carbombs were involved and all I know is I had a lot of fun. Happy late St. Patty's!

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