Also there were 2 stages bookending either side of the festival and a million food trucks and jewelry stands and other stands of stuff in between. Okay, not a million, but it was a pretty cool spread. Also, no, I do not know that ponytailed STUD or the girl with the cool tie-dyed dress and stripy knee socks. I am sorry.
Anyway, Brett and I walked along, looking at the various wares and stopping to talk to one of the creators of 5 Second Films (, who was very nice and I felt cool when I realized I'd met him before. I felt even cooler when I ran into my friends Christopher (super-talented musician, check out his band Miracle Parade), Mary Beth (makes you feel bad about yourself because she looks pretty with no makeup on and is kind of saving the world), and Martin (Noelia's cousin; awesome cook who owns his own craft services company and father of 2 adorable tiny babies). These three let Brett and me know that they were serving interesting tequila drinks in the alcohol garden and so of course, we immediately went there. Brett and I got beer though (I am just a sucker for a dark stout and also, I had to drive somewhere 45 minutes later, so tequila may have been a bad idea) and met a charming bulldog while we were in line. Then I checked out a band I was not impressed enough with to even get their name (sorry band!). I had to go pretty soon after that, but it seemed like a successful event. Lots of food trucks, hip looking people, and tons of shiny goods to ogle. I was happy I went.
Pretty spectacular day all around...